Monday 30 January 2012

Brick Wall W.I.P

This weekend I had some time to work on my ancient ruins environment and started working on a high poly brick wall.

Base mesh was blocked out in maya and brought into zbrush for sculpting, I also experimented with some ivy wrapping around the bricks but not sure if I'll keep it.  I still think I can beat the bricks up a little more and maybe add some noise to achieve a little more realism.

Anyway, I Should have a low poly ready soon and and texturing should bring it to life.

Monday 23 January 2012

Bird Ninja

This weekend I was working on a character model for a client, I forgot how fun creating characters are.

It's going to be used as a prototype for a collectable figurine.  I should have a picture of the 3d print soon and I'll post it up in the future. 

Created in Zbrush & Maya, hope you like it!

Thursday 19 January 2012

Ruins W.I.P

My progress on my ruins environment so far, just a quick update as I'm going to be taking a pause.  As you can see I've changed some of the original composition by scaling up the pillars.  I may also have to cut the bridge out of the project so I finish it quicker.

I'm probably going to revisit some of the textures becuase I'm not too keen on the blue higlights on the skull. 

I chose a dark, night time setting instead of sunlight, just feel it suits the piece more and makes it more dramatic. The sharper specular highlight also worked with the night time lighting, like its been raining.

What I've got left to do

Floor trim

The flat shaded areas are the pieces I have yet to finish.

Monday 16 January 2012

Environment Asset - Pillar

I've been working on creating game res versions of my assets, I had a lot of trouble with the bridge cliff section, it just wasn't looking right and I wasn't settling for second best so I decided to revamp that section and include an ancient stone bridge built on top of the cliff.  Still got some planning to do with that. 

Anyway I started working on the pillar this weekend,  I wasn't quite sure where I wanted to go with texturing my environment so working on this asset kinda defined what direction this environments going in.  

Originally I wanted to go with a hell theme inspired by Mortal Kombat arenas, similar to my old one, but whilst texturing this pillar I came up with an ancient ruin theme, with lots of rocks, stones and greenery which I quite like and will see how it goes.

I've been jumping back and forth from texturing and modelling quite a lot as I don't really have a proper concept I'm following, just ideas in my head, but working on assets separately are helping shape this piece.

I'm going to be working on finishing off some more assets and the environment should start coming together quite soon!

Thanks for visiting!

Friday 13 January 2012

Texturing Test

Here is a texturing test I've done, I usually jump around from modelling/texturing in my workflow, this way things are kept interesting for me and I can get an idea of texturing choices earlier on. 

So I created my final low poly, tri count was just under my budget (500) at 499 tris.  Then I wanted to see how the normal map would transfer, I done a few versions with various resolutions to see what was the best bake but finally went with a 1024 normal map.

I was also looking at the best solution for a diffuse map and decided to go with a 512 tileable texture combined with a 1k normal map to capture the main forms of the cliff. 

For now I just threw on a procedural texture so that's not final yet.


After studying the first image, I came to the conclusion that the rocks looked a little soft and organic. To fix this I needed to accentuate the hard edges which I think pushed it a little further. I could still add some color variation, but I'll leave that till the final texturing pass.

Thursday 12 January 2012


I've been working on some more high poly assets and created a rough block out.

I've played around with ideas so its strayed a bit from my sketch but for the better I hope . Nothing is final yet,  I'm going to remesh everything for better optimization, what I've got here is just an auto remesh done in meshlab

It looks pretty empty at the moment, but once it has normal maps it should look a lot better plus once the main modelling stage is complete (big shapes) I'll do another modelling pass and create smaller assets to make it look more interesting. 

The spiky rock I'm not happy with, it could use some more defining/cleaning up and I might re visit it soon, maybe do a few more for some variation.

I also finalized some of the assets from my previous post and still currently doing so.
Here is the bridge section.

I'm about 70% done with the high poly stuff and I'll update once they're done, so stay tuned!

Sunday 8 January 2012

Old Environment Remake

For my latest environment piece, I decided to remake my first environment.  I feel I've learned a lot since 2010 so it would be really interesting to see what happens with it.

Here's a little sketch block out thing I done for personal reference so its nothing pretty, it was just so I know where to place things and what the main composition will look like.

and what I've been working on so far

The mountain parts are really rough, I may just create rock tileable textures for them instead of assigning unique textures for them.